
LinkedIn Followers

LinkedIn is a business social media platform and works similar to other social media platforms, for example, Facebook and Twitter. The difference is that the crowd or those who use this site is either skilled people or person who own their own businesses. The website’s main focus is on the people who are working in …

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Facebook Likes

Social media is widely used and Facebook is undoubtedly the largest website of social networking. For most of the users, Facebook number of followers or friends emphasizes the trust and makes people feel good about potential customers and web site’s first visitor. There are now an estimated 40 million small businesses using Facebook to promote …

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Reddit Upvotes

Reddit is a discussion site for users to ask and provide answers for the discussion. If a different user agrees with the post, they will upvote. The objective of Reddit’s upvote is to make it a trending topic for a discussion. Submissions with more upvotes appear towards the top of their subreddit and finally on …

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