Mon, 04/15/2013 - 07:33 — LabourWorld
By Yang Ming
Mon, 10/17/2011 - 07:15 — LabourWorld
Fri, 10/14/2011 - 05:38 — LabourWorld
Occupy Central on 15th October 2011
The “OccupyWall Street” movement initiated by the American youth, and later joined by manytrade unionists and people from all walks of live, has gained increasingsocial concern and global support. On 15th October 2011, themovement is going to spread to hundreds of cities all over the world.
As an Asian financial center, Hong Kong is a key hubfor the accumulation of financial capital. Also, it serves as base for manytransnational financial institutes to carry out exploitation in the Asiancountries. The layoff of 3000 workers by the profitable HSBC is but oneexample.
Mon, 06/13/2011 - 05:00 — LabourWorld
A Hundred Protestors Demand the Immediate Scrapping of all Nuclear Power
Yesterday three months after the Japanese earthquake which triggered a nuclear disaster in Fukushima, there were anti-nuclear marches around the world. In Hong Kong there was a march as well, with one hundred protesters. They first assembled in Tsim Sha Tsui to mourn the dead, and then marched at three o’clock. When passing by the post office a representative, on behalf of the alliance Anti-Nuke, posted two letters to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan respectively, asking them to support the abolition of nuclear power and a nuclear-free zone in Asia.
Wed, 06/02/2010 - 06:04 — wkf
4月15日「左翼星期四」的題目是「反自由市場的地產財閥」/生)及易汶健(中文大學社會學系研究生)擔任講者,介紹Alice Poon在 2006年出版的《 Land and the Ruling Class in Hong Kong》一書。相信是因為樓價飈升成為熱話的關係,大約四十名聽眾到來,擠滿了序言書室。,由雷永錫(在職社會學人
Wed, 06/02/2010 - 05:56 — wkf
李維怡 (重建區義工、社區文化工作者)
Wed, 06/02/2010 - 04:56 — wkf
Siu Yu-Kwan discusses Marx's rent theory.
Wed, 06/02/2010 - 04:27 — wkf
In this article, Lau Yu-fan analyses the relationship betwe
Wed, 06/02/2010 - 04:22 — wkf
This feature stems from the anti- Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link movement from the beginning of the year. Lots of young people went on the street to protest and the whole of society was shaken. In the name of “development”, real estate developers, with the help of the government, are making huge profits by tearing down affordable housing and replacing it with luxurious apartments. The capitalists are being allowed to exploit the land, as well as the people who live there.
Tue, 06/30/2009 - 07:12 — Admin
(Written in Chinese only)