Mon, 06/24/2013 - 03:03 — LabourWorld
■ Upsurge of Racism in Japan ■
Sat, 11/26/2011 - 20:29 — LabourWorld
Thu, 03/17/2011 - 04:37 — LabourWorld
Mon, 09/07/2009 - 06:40 — Admin
Source: "International Socialism", Issue: 123, 25 June 09 By Jeong Seong-jinGiovanni Arrighi, Adam Smith in Beijing (Verso, 2007), £14.99Translation by Owen Miller
The following review was written by Jeong Seong-jin, professor of economics at Gyeongsang National University, South Korea. Professor Jeong is the author of a number of books in Korean, including Marx and the Korean Economy and Marx and Trotsky. He is also co-editor of the English-language volume Marxist Perspectives on South Korea in the Global Economy (Ashgate, 2007), editor of the bilingual journal Marxism21 and translator (into Korean) of An Anticapitalist Manifesto and The Revolutionary Ideas of Karl Marx by Alex Callinicos.
Mon, 09/07/2009 - 06:37 — Admin
By Au Loong Yu
(Author’s note: This article was first published in the summer issue 2009 of the US journal New Politics. This slightly revised version corrected two translation mistakes and a minor error in the footnotes. September 3, 2009.)
China’s thirty years of nearly uninterrupted high growth has encountered great challenge as global economic crisis has hit China’s export hard. Since China’s trade as a percentage of GDP is as high as 70%, the export-led growth mode has practically ended. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is aware of this. Back in April 2008 President Hu Jintao spoke of the need to change the mode of development from export-led growth to domestic-led growth by expanding domestic demand. In November the 4 trillion RMB of rescue package followed. The economy is slowing down, and the target of the rescue package at “Baoba,” or keeping the growth rate at 8 percent, is hard to achieve. Nevertheless, with a slower growth rate of 5-6 percent, which most commentators are speculating, is still outstanding when the US and EU are sinking further into deep recession. The global downturn on one hand and China’s relative strength in containing the crisis on the other makes the topic “the rise of China” more heated than ever.
Wed, 04/08/2009 - 15:40 — Anonymous
(Chinese Only)
Tue, 04/07/2009 - 01:47 — Anonymous
Is This Really the End of Neoliberalism?
March 15, 2009 By David Harvey
Does this crisis signal the end of neo-liberalism? My answer is that it depends what you mean by neo-liberalism. My interpretation is that it's a class project, masked by a lot of neo-liberal rhetoric about individual freedom, liberty, personal responsibility, privatization and the free market. These were means, however, towards the restoration and consolidation of class power, and that neo-liberal project has been fairly successful.