Political Economy

For this cook the Umbrella Movement is not yet over

Neighborhood and Workers Service Centre     Written by: Yat Mu Edited by: Jessie Kwok   Note: This is an adapted account about a Hong Kong cook, Sai Fai, and how he became politicized during the Umbrella Movement. The original Chinese report was posted on the NWSC (Neighborhood and Workers Service Centre) website.   In 2014, like many people, Sai Fai had to endure pepper and tear gas at one of the the three occupation sites where he worked in Admiralty.

Rethinking the cause of the lead water scare in Hong Kong

Globalization Monitor     Recently, excess lead was fund in the tap water system of several public housing estates in Hong Kong. This has raised public concern about water safety and the effectiveness of the monitoring system for public works in Hong Kong.   According to Hong Kong’s relevant regulations, lead materials are banned from use in the water pipe system. Why could the government officials not discover the use of lead welding and plumbing materials earlier? How long have the lead materials been used in the system?

On Right Wing Localism


Say NO to the HK Department of Justice’s Request for Clarification from Beijing

  A signature campaign initiated by the Catholic Justice and Peace Commission of Hong Kong

Public movement to boycott the "small circle" method of electing the chief executive

More that thirty groups call for boycott against the "small circle" method of electing the chief executive. They will organize a protest and march to Wan Chai Tower tomorrow. Here is the detail for the protest: Date: 25/3/2012 Time: 10:30am Starting Point: Southom Playground, Wan Chai (near Exit B2 of Wan Chai MTR station)

The Anti-Free Market Real Estate Magnates in Hong Kong

麥德正(左翼21成員)  4月15日「左翼星期四」的題目是「反自由市場的地產財閥」/生)及易汶健(中文大學社會學系研究生)擔任講者,介紹Alice Poon在 2006年出版的《 Land and the Ruling Class in Hong Kong》一書。相信是因為樓價飈升成為熱話的關係,大約四十名聽眾到來,擠滿了序言書室。,由雷永錫(在職社會學人  

A Life Circle Within a 15-minute Distance

李維怡 (重建區義工、社區文化工作者)  自從八十年代香房地產起飛,樓價就開始颷升。公屋都建在新市鎮,叫窮人離開市中心去開荒,到人口發展得差不多,交通網絡發展到一定程度,發展商就在開始在同區建貴價樓,建了貴價樓後,四處又房地產颷升,物價也升起來......如是者,雖然大量低收入戶的工作是在市區,但他們居住的地方卻要離開市區,造成生活的割裂之餘,每天更有大量時間在交通工具中渡過,大大減低了生活中的其他可能性。  

The Games Behind the Giant City and Express Railway

In this article, Lau Yu-fan analyses the relationship betwe

Whose Interest Does a City Serve? ─ ─The Logic of Capital and Urbanization

This feature stems from the anti- Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link movement from the beginning of the year.  Lots of young people went on the street to protest  and the whole of society was shaken. In the name of “development”, real estate developers, with the help of the government, are making huge profits by tearing down affordable housing and replacing it with luxurious apartments. The capitalists are being allowed to exploit the land, as well as the people who live there.
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